Fuse Message Broker released

Fuse Message Broker has just been released, with a couple of issues fixed. You can find release notes here.

I would like to take this chance to explain Fuse releases a bit and how you can easily switch between Apache and Fuse releases of ActiveMQ. Apache ActiveMQ and Fuse Message Broker are practically the same software (created from the same code base), but while you can expect Apache ActiveMQ releases every six months or so we try to have a monthly release cycle at Fuse. So, if you wait for version 5.3 to be released and you don’t want to use snapshot releases, you can use Fuse Message Broker releases 5.2.0.x which every month include a couple of new fixes. Fuse releases are thoroughly tested, so you can safely use it in your production environment.

The good news is that Fuse releases are free to use, so all you have to do is add an additional repository to your POM file and change the version of ActiveMQ you want to use in your project.

For example, to use Fuse Message Broker instead of Apache 5.2.0 release, just add the following repositories

            <name>FUSESource Repository</name>

            <name>FUSESource Repository</name>

and change ActiveMQ version from




Yes, it’s really that easy.

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