Will we have closures in Java 1.7?

It seems like growing interest in dynamic languages will finally move Java syntax toward local functions and closures. Gilad Bracha, Neal Gafter, James Gosling and Peter von der Ah

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Java open-source roadmap

It’s finally here. According to news and blogs, Sun announced that it will open source Java ME platform and some components of the SE platform by the end of the year. Sun plans to open source javac compiler and HotSpot virtual machine, two crucial components of the Java SE platform, by the end of the… Continue reading Java open-source roadmap

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Handling ADO.NET DataSets with Axis

First of all, SOAP is not my web service protocol of choice since I think it is overkill for the most of applications. I prefer the simplest possible solution for the problem, but when the service that you need is only available through SOAP, you don

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On Derby…

There were a lot of discussions lately about inclusion of Derby (aka JavaDB) in the Sun JDK. First of all, I personally think that it will not really change anything. I

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Parsing form-data multiparts

If you ever needed to parse form-based multipart data, you are probably aware of the Jakarta Commons FileUpload library. But while this library is primarily intended to parse data directly from HttpRequest objects and thus handle uploading of files in your web application, it could be used to parse an arbitrary InputStream and extract multiparts… Continue reading Parsing form-data multiparts

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Syntax support for collections?

It is common to use final static fields to define constants in your Java applications. For example, you will often find the code similar to this in various Java APIs public class Example { public static int one = 1; } which is used in the following manner System.out.println(Example.one); Of course, Java supports more complex… Continue reading Syntax support for collections?

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XAP proposal in Apache incubator

There is an interesting Ajax-related proposal in Apache incubator, named XAP (eXtensible Ajax Platform). It is a project donated by Nexaweb Technologies Inc and represents XML-based declarative framework for building rich internet applications based on Ajax. You can find more information about this project on Nexaweb site In the proposal there is the following paragraph:… Continue reading XAP proposal in Apache incubator

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DWR 2.0

I just saw the release note for DWR 2.0 milestone 1. It introduces many new features, but the most interesting is certainly “Reverse Ajax”, which allows Java code to asynchronously call JavaScript code in the browser. I’ve used DWR on few projects in the past and I find it to be a very good AJAX… Continue reading DWR 2.0

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Apache XML-RPC adapter continued

In the previous post I showed how you can make a Spring wrapper around the WebServer object and thus configure it easily in Spring-based applications. This solution is good for standalone applications that use Spring as a configuration mechanism. But if you are using Spring MVC to develop web applications you probably don’t want to… Continue reading Apache XML-RPC adapter continued

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