I will be speaking on Scripting with balance at Irish Java Technology Conference in Dublin (IJTC) on November 9th, 2007. The full announcement could be found here
links for 2007-10-18
Migrating data centers with zero downtime on Dion Almaer’s Blog often forgotten knowledge of web application migration (tags: web application migration) InfoQ: Read/Write Splitting with MySQL-Proxy very nice stuff (tags: database mysql)
Multi-Language VM
OpenJDK community has a new project, Multi-Language VM (or just mlvm). It is announced by John Rose, from Sun, on the announcement list. The focus of the project will be to prototype JVM features beneficial for dynamic languages and remove “pain points” that current dynamic language developers have with standard JVM. Here’s the snippet from… Continue reading Multi-Language VM
links for 2007-10-06
Software Is Hard the title says it all (tags: software development complexity)
links for 2007-09-26
Monitor and diagnose performance in Java SE 6 Java SE 6 Monitoring and management enhancements (tags: Java jmx) Welcome to ntop.org network monitoring tool (tags: network monitoring)
Scripting with Balance in Design and Performance
java.net has published an article titled Scripting with Balance in Design and Performance
JUG-NS session
I will be speaking on Scripting in Java in Novi Sad on September 19th, 2007. The full announcement could be found here (in Serbian)
links for 2007-09-12
Jayasoft Community Site – Ivy Dependency manager for Ant (tags: Java Ant opensource) LiquiBase: Database Refactoring Nice database refactoring tool (tags: database refactoring java opensource)
Scripting API for everyone
I definitely think that dynamic languages for Java platform is an important topic. In that context, a Scripting API as a standardized scripting framework has its own role for Java developers. It is definitely a good thing it is included in JDK 6, but the lack of proper support for earlier JDK’s, in my opinion,… Continue reading Scripting API for everyone
Daily Snapshots
From today on, continuous integration process is set up for JQR and daily snapshots are available in the repository.