In software development we are often encouraged to decouple things in order to achieve greater flexibility in our code. So we decouple model objects from views, interfaces from their implementation, etc. Here, I would like to write about different kind of decoupling, front-end from back-end. In many cases, projects tend to depend on resources that… Continue reading Asynchronous job execution
JQR 1.2.0 released
Sensatic JQR 1.2.0 has been released.
Eclipse Europa
On 29 June, Eclipse community will be richer for the new Europa release. It is a coordinate release of 21 Eclipse Foundation projects. The main component of this release is certainly new 3.3 version of the Eclipse Platform. Others include prominent projects from domains of administration, modeling, development and tools, such as Eclipse Communications Framework… Continue reading Eclipse Europa
Integrating ActiveMQ Web Console
If you build an application that integrates ActiveMQ broker, it makes sense that you want to integrate its web console as well. It provides your users with basic monitoring and management operations. One road you can take is to integrate it as a WAR archive, but as you already have a whole lot of ActiveMQ… Continue reading Integrating ActiveMQ Web Console
JQR 1.1.0 released
Sensatic JQR 1.1.0 has been released.
(Not yet)Commons SSL
If you ever tried to work with SSL Socket connections in Java, you probably know that Java, by default, supports its own JKS and PKCS12 certificate formats. For those who need to work with OpenSSL it is usually suggested to convert keys and certificates to PKCS12 and then import them in the keystore using the… Continue reading (Not yet)Commons SSL
XStream 1.2.2
XStream 1.2.2 is released with JettisonMappedXmlDriver used for serialization and deserialization from JSON. It is the driver first presented in Java and JSON post. All modifications are submitted to Jettison and XStream projects respectfully and documented in an appropriate tutorial ( From now on, XStream has a full support for JSON serialization. Enjoy.
Changing CVS Root from shell
Here’s a simple script that recursively changes CVS/Root files in the project tree find . -name Root -exec sh -c ‘echo > {}’ \; Note sh -c segment of -exec switch, which is necessary in order to successfully redirect to appropriate files. This could be useful for updating deployed projects with the repository that… Continue reading Changing CVS Root from shell
Scripting and asynchronous messaging
One of the lessons we can learn from early success of the Web was making of ideal environment for use of scripts. There were two main components of the Web platform: Web server (Apache), as an infrastructural component that had to be fast and reliable Web application as a collection of scripts (Perl, PHP, Python),… Continue reading Scripting and asynchronous messaging
Can Servlet containers scale?
Filip Hanik of Covalent Technologies wrote an excellent article in which he describes his series of performance/scalability tests of the new NIO connector that has been added to Tomcat 6. In tests he also includes Jetty and Glassfish containers. The article contains very good explanation of challenges in adapting NIO environment to blocking IO requirements.… Continue reading Can Servlet containers scale?