As you all have probably heard, Velocity 1.5 was released last week. It is the first release of this project in last three years. This is certainly a long release cycle and it is not unusual that some people considered it a “dead project”. I have some projects that use Velocity as a template engine… Continue reading Velocity 1.5
New Date/Time and Rest APIs for Java
There has been some very interesting activity in JCP land lately, namely acceptance of new Date and Time API (JSR 310) and proposal of the JavaTM API for RESTful Web Services (JSR 311). Usual first reactions to the JSR 310 that I saw on the web were “finally” or “too late”, but I think that… Continue reading New Date/Time and Rest APIs for Java
Tuning Derby
OnJava has published an article titled Tuning Derby
Singletons and lazy loading
Probably the first design pattern that every software developer learns is Singleton and lazy loading of Singleton classes. The usual example, goes something like this: public class Singleton { static Singleton instance; public static synchronized Singleton getInstance() { if (instance == null) instance == new Singleton(); return instance; } } The problem with this solution… Continue reading Singletons and lazy loading
Java and JSON
It seems that JSON vs. XML debate was one of the hot topics for this winter. Again, I think that “vs.” part is sufficient and that both XML and JSON should have their place in overall technology landscape. One of the obvious JSON advantages is that it can be directly evaluated in JavaScript. And for… Continue reading Java and JSON
Apache XML-RPC 3.0 – No thanks
I have this project that started years ago and still uses old Apache 1.1 version of the XML-RPC library. A few days ago I needed to add an extra functionality to the services it exposes. The underlying API for the new service works a lot with array of objects which is not friendly with that… Continue reading Apache XML-RPC 3.0 – No thanks
Playing with XFire
Every once in a while I get some WSDL file and a task to create a Java client (and a service for testing purposes) that will use a defined service. I’ve tried XFire a couple of times before (version was 1.1 in those days). But it never actually managed to create stub client and servers… Continue reading Playing with XFire
Reading this interview with Jean Elliott, director of product marketing for the Java SE platform at Sun Microsystems, got me into thinking about adoption of Java platform editions among developers (and plain users). I think that 1.4 is still very widely deployed runtime environment out there and that it is the main reason why many… Continue reading Retrotranslator
Spring and Flex
In this excellent article Christophe Coenraets gives few examples of how you can use Adobe Flex as a presentation layer for your Spring applications. It is good to see that my Spring middle-layer classes could be reused with one more presentation technology. I like to have options.
Cross-Domain Ajax support for ActiveMQ
In this post I will try to summarize a case-study for implementing Cross-Domain Ajax support for ActiveMQ. Use Case In the current implementation of Ajax support for ActiveMQ, you can use JavaScript to consume and send messages, but only directly in your application. This stands mostly due to “same-domain” restriction of the XmlHttpRequest calls. This… Continue reading Cross-Domain Ajax support for ActiveMQ