As you probably know, Jetty is a web server (and servlet container) written purely in Java. Because it is small, fast and has a well designed configuration API it is often used as a embedded server in various Java applications (Continuum, FishEye, …). Of course, when you use Jetty in a Spring-based application, you will… Continue reading Jetty 6 and XBean
Multiple table generator in Hibernate3
Some time ago I needed a unique identifier generator that will look up a value in a simple name-value kind of database table. Project’s database layer was based on Hibernate2 and since I couldn’t find such a solution I have implemented a MultiTableGenerator which I have blogged about here. The project was finished and I… Continue reading Multiple table generator in Hibernate3
Stomp and JSON
As I said in the previous post, one of my main intentions is to use Stomp to send map messages from PHP to Java. So in this iteration, I have added support for JSON encoding/decoding of message content. Before I dig deeper into new functionalities and changes, let me explain which JSON libraries (PHP and… Continue reading Stomp and JSON
PHP Stomp client
Download This work is based on Hiram Chirino’s excellent library. It would be great if this “extended” version become part of that project too, but for now you can grab it from here. While the original library is well written, there were few things that prevented me to use it in my project. I started… Continue reading PHP Stomp client
Tomcat 5.x, Commons Logging and Log4J
First of all, I never use Jakarta Commons Logging (JCL) directly in my applications (Log4J is my tool of choice for logging tasks), but as you probably know many frameworks and libraries do all of their logging through JCL. In most cases you will want to catch some of these log messages, so that you… Continue reading Tomcat 5.x, Commons Logging and Log4J
Will we have closures in Java 1.7?
It seems like growing interest in dynamic languages will finally move Java syntax toward local functions and closures. Gilad Bracha, Neal Gafter, James Gosling and Peter von der Ah
Java open-source roadmap
It’s finally here. According to news and blogs, Sun announced that it will open source Java ME platform and some components of the SE platform by the end of the year. Sun plans to open source javac compiler and HotSpot virtual machine, two crucial components of the Java SE platform, by the end of the… Continue reading Java open-source roadmap
Handling ADO.NET DataSets with Axis
First of all, SOAP is not my web service protocol of choice since I think it is overkill for the most of applications. I prefer the simplest possible solution for the problem, but when the service that you need is only available through SOAP, you don
On Derby…
There were a lot of discussions lately about inclusion of Derby (aka JavaDB) in the Sun JDK. First of all, I personally think that it will not really change anything. I
Parsing form-data multiparts
If you ever needed to parse form-based multipart data, you are probably aware of the Jakarta Commons FileUpload library. But while this library is primarily intended to parse data directly from HttpRequest objects and thus handle uploading of files in your web application, it could be used to parse an arbitrary InputStream and extract multiparts… Continue reading Parsing form-data multiparts