It is common to use final static fields to define constants in your Java applications. For example, you will often find the code similar to this in various Java APIs public class Example { public static int one = 1; } which is used in the following manner System.out.println(; Of course, Java supports more complex… Continue reading Syntax support for collections?
XAP proposal in Apache incubator
There is an interesting Ajax-related proposal in Apache incubator, named XAP (eXtensible Ajax Platform). It is a project donated by Nexaweb Technologies Inc and represents XML-based declarative framework for building rich internet applications based on Ajax. You can find more information about this project on Nexaweb site In the proposal there is the following paragraph:… Continue reading XAP proposal in Apache incubator
Spring MVC: Exposing cookies to the view
Recently I needed to display some information on the web page according to the value of a cookie. I think that this is one of the common web application functionalities that have been around for a decade. If you have ever used Spring MVC you know that view resolvers could be instructed to expose request… Continue reading Spring MVC: Exposing cookies to the view
DWR 2.0
I just saw the release note for DWR 2.0 milestone 1. It introduces many new features, but the most interesting is certainly “Reverse Ajax”, which allows Java code to asynchronously call JavaScript code in the browser. I’ve used DWR on few projects in the past and I find it to be a very good AJAX… Continue reading DWR 2.0
JUG-NS session
I will be speaking on Quartz scheduler in Novi Sad on April 19th, 2006. The full announcement can be found here (in Sebian).
Apache XML-RPC adapter continued
In the previous post I showed how you can make a Spring wrapper around the WebServer object and thus configure it easily in Spring-based applications. This solution is good for standalone applications that use Spring as a configuration mechanism. But if you are using Spring MVC to develop web applications you probably don’t want to… Continue reading Apache XML-RPC adapter continued
Advanced Configuration of the Spring MVC Framework
OnJava published an article titled Advanced Configuration of the Spring MVC Framework
Apache XML-RPC Adapter for Spring
I tend to use XML-RPC to implement simple requirements for connecting applications. The reason is that it is a simple, straighforward remote-procedure protocol that has good-enough performance for most of such applications. Also, it is very wide-spread so you can find a stable implementation for whatever platform you need it (for example you can use… Continue reading Apache XML-RPC Adapter for Spring
Proper handling of database-related exceptions
This is the issue that I keep running into on various projects, so even if it seems obvious I think it is worth spending a post on it. Some OR mapping frameworks tend to use batch update operations when dealing with the database. The “problem” that this approach introduces is that if any problem occurs… Continue reading Proper handling of database-related exceptions
SMS-Powered applications published an article on texting with Java