Deploying message broker for an IoT use case introduces some new challenges to the broker scalability. We’re talking now about thousands of connections, consumers and destinations, which make us think of how we provision, configure and monitor our messaging infrastructure much more carefully. In this post I’ll try to sum up some of techniques that… Continue reading Messaging for IoT
Category: ActiveMQ
ActiveMQ and HawtIO
We introduced HawtIO console as a tech preview in 5.9.0 ActiveMQ release, with an idea to replace the old and rusty web console in the distribution. Unfortunately, that idea didn’t go well with the rest of Apache community so it’s voted out and 5.9.1 is released without it. You can read more on the topic… Continue reading ActiveMQ and HawtIO
Apache ActiveMQ 5.7.0 released
We managed to keep our goal of making more frequent releases and today we’re happy to announce Apache ActiveMQ 5.7.0. The main goal of this release was Java 7 compatibility. The project is built using JDK 6, but it’s tested to work properly with Java 7. This was needed as we now use Camel 2.10,… Continue reading Apache ActiveMQ 5.7.0 released
Pluggable ActiveMQ Storage Lockers
Shared storage master slave broker topologies depend on successful storage locking. Meaning that only a single broker (the master) is active and use the message database. So far locking was tied to a specific message store, so KahaDB was using shared file locking while JDBC store was using a specialized database table to keep slaves… Continue reading Pluggable ActiveMQ Storage Lockers
ActiveMQ 5.6.0 and other news
We just released Apache ActiveMQ 5.6.0. It was a long-awaited maintenance release, but however there are a few very significant new features that was worth waiting for. Those include a new LevelDB store, MQTT and Stomp 1.1 protocols support and self-balancing cluster clients, to name a few. I already written about clustering here and there… Continue reading ActiveMQ 5.6.0 and other news
ActiveMQ in the cloud
FuseSource just announced a public beta of new Enterprise products (Read more about it in Rob’s post). So it’s time to give you a bit more details on what we were working on for the past few months. One thing I want to emphasize in this post is how this project improves the experience of… Continue reading ActiveMQ in the cloud
New ActiveMQ failover and clustering goodies
For the last two weeks I’ve been working on some interesting use cases for the good ol’ failover transport. I finally have some time at my hands, so here’s a brief recap of what’s coming in 5.6 release in this area. First there’s a new feature, called Priority Backup. It’s described in details here, but… Continue reading New ActiveMQ failover and clustering goodies
ActiveMQ networks and advisory messages explained
Recently Jakub wrote an excellent blog post explaining more on how ActiveMQ networks work. The one thing that somehow always got unexplained and confused users over time is the connection between network of brokers and advisory messages. I finally took some time to document it and introduce some enhancements we have in this area for… Continue reading ActiveMQ networks and advisory messages explained
Advanced messaging with Apache ActiveMQ slides
Slides are available at slideshare now: Advanced messaging with Apache ActiveMQ View more presentations from dejanb