Message groups just got a bit better

As the first sentence of the message groups documentation page says: message groups rock. One of the problem with them, however, was an inappropriate behavior in case you’re adding your consumers for the messages already stored in the broker (with appropriate message group parameters set). This also causes that message groups are not honored in… Continue reading Message groups just got a bit better

Categorized as ActiveMQ

Apache ActiveMQ 5.2

Apache ActiveMQ 5.2 is finally released. It is mainly a maintenance release, but there are also a couple of new features, like extended Advisory support and such. If you use ActiveMQ, be sure to give this release a try.

Categorized as ActiveMQ

ActiveMQ in Action

As Bruce and Rob already said, our current work on “ActiveMQ in Action” book is available in Manning Early Access Program (MEAP). We will try to cover all aspects of ActiveMQ, from basic stuff such as JMS basics and how to run ActiveMQ for the first time to complex broker topologies and performance tunning. I… Continue reading ActiveMQ in Action

Categorized as ActiveMQ

Securing Stomp

If you ever wanted to use Stomp messaging protocol with secured ActiveMQ broker, you can now do it by downloading a 5.1 snapshot distribution. For more Stomp messaging security over unsecured networks you can additionally use Stomp over SSL, which makes Stomp + ActiveMQ perfectly secure messaging environment over unsecured networks. If PHP is your… Continue reading Securing Stomp

XStream and Spring OXM (Object/XML Mapping framework)

It all started when I tried to find a solution for customizing an XStream instance for my ActiveMQ XStream message transformer that would be better than currently used (extending a base transformer and providing a custom factory method that will do things like alias, converter, annotation, etc. settings). I wanted an easy solution to configure… Continue reading XStream and Spring OXM (Object/XML Mapping framework)

Cross-Domain Ajax support for ActiveMQ

In this post I will try to summarize a case-study for implementing Cross-Domain Ajax support for ActiveMQ. Use Case In the current implementation of Ajax support for ActiveMQ, you can use JavaScript to consume and send messages, but only directly in your application. This stands mostly due to “same-domain” restriction of the XmlHttpRequest calls. This… Continue reading Cross-Domain Ajax support for ActiveMQ