For those who can’t wait for 1.0 RC3 to be released (with fixed behavior for converting nested lists and maps from XStream), you can download patched snapshot from here
links for 2008-01-17
Jonathan Schwartz’s Blog: Helping Dolphins Fly sun buys mysql form $1billio (tags: sun mysql) Java SE 6 Update 4 Release Notes. a lot of bug fixes (tags: java)
links for 2008-01-09
How To Install Internet Explorer On Ubuntu (Feisty Fawn, Edgy Eft And Dapper Drake) | HowtoForge – Linux Howtos and Tutorials installed 2.0.5 on gutsy … works like a charm (tags: ubuntu linux ie)
links for 2008-01-04
Sam Ruby: WORA django on jython (tags: django jython jvm)
Dealing with large code bases
If you haven’t already, be sure to read Steve Yegge’s post on his experience of dealing with large code bases (it’s a bit long post but an excellent read). He explains the maintenance nightmare of his 500.000 lines of code game written in Java and quite correctly concludes that code size is a crucial problem… Continue reading Dealing with large code bases
Securing Stomp
If you ever wanted to use Stomp messaging protocol with secured ActiveMQ broker, you can now do it by downloading a 5.1 snapshot distribution. For more Stomp messaging security over unsecured networks you can additionally use Stomp over SSL, which makes Stomp + ActiveMQ perfectly secure messaging environment over unsecured networks. If PHP is your… Continue reading Securing Stomp
links for 2007-12-17
Andreas Sterbenz’s Blog : Weblog useful utility class/application for adding server ssl certificates to keystores (tags: java ssl jsse)
links for 2007-12-07
GNOME Do quick-launcher for gnome (tags: gnome launcher ubuntu) xo-laptop: On the Open-Sourcing of Business « The Wayward Word Press business side of open source (tags: opensource business)
Extension methods proposals
There’s a quite interesting discussion in the blogosphere about proposed extension methods feature for Java 7. The problem tackled by this proposal is how to extend an API (interface) with new methods without breaking existing implementations. The example used in a discussion is a List interface and the sort() method. In order to add another… Continue reading Extension methods proposals
links for 2007-11-29
Programming less (Scripting News) The design of the central data structure of an app determines the quality of the app, in every way. (tags: complexity development software) Open Flash Chart – Beautiful flash chart library (tags: flash graph opensource charts)